Primal Blueprint Update – 2 Months

12st 12lbs at the last weigh in. Can’t believe the weight is still coming off. 

I’ve stopped using now as I feel I’ve got a good handle on what I’m eating. Still got plenty of energy and still loving my food. Getting to the stage now where I’m getting more adventurous with my recipes – you have to when you’ve cut out a huge chunk of foods that ‘normal’ people eat. 
I find I can eat out pretty much anywhere with few compromises. Best places are buffet restaurants – you can just throw a ‘no go’ cordon around the rice, chips, pasta, etc and eat everything else. Chinese food is great for this – minus the rice. 
I’m not trying to lose weight any more. I’ve found an equilibrium where I feel full and the end of the day, and have got enough energy to ride my bike and do my normal daily stuff. If I lose more weight, then so be it. 
Here’s a list of today’s foods as an example of what I’m eating
2 Scrambled Eggs
Creme Fraiche with Brazil Nuts
Chicken Fillet in Tomato and Basil Sauce
Brazil Nuts
85% Cocoa Organic Dark Chocolate
Seafood salad with Tuna, Mussels, Cottage Cheese, Coleslaw, Spinach, Peppers, Red Cabbage, Pickles, etc
Greek Yoghurt with Raspberries
Tell me I’m on a diet!